Pre-op advice


As a general rule do not feed your cat or dog from 7 the evening before the scheduled surgery. Your pet should be allowed access to water right up to surgery time.

Rabbits and other small herbivores should NOT be starved prior to surgery.


Your pet will always be checked in by a veterinarian on the morning of the scheduled surgery. Please discuss any concerns you have with the vet at this time. We feel this check up is vital so please bear with us and allow a little time in your schedule for it to happen.

Pre-operation Blood Testing

We offer pre-op blood testing and are very keen to do it. Obviously being aware of any trouble prior to an anaesthetic could be life-saving but in more mundane terms the earlier we discover any abnormalities the more we will be able to help in the long term. A pre-op blood test adds to your costs but could be invaluable. This is especially true in older animals but we have on occasions picked up illness even in youngsters at neutering age and it is gratifying to be able to help from such an early age.  

Our veterinarians are all experienced general practitioners with a broad knowledge and
understanding of animal health, illness and injury.

Andy and Gloria Cunningham

To the vets and all the staff

Thank you for your kind wishes and supports in the recent losses of our dog Bruno and our cat Felix


Charlie Beadle

Dear Julia

I came to you big and fat

Yes I was rather chunky

After 20 weeks of diet and chat

I leave here fit and hunky!!

Bennet Zoo

Dear Alan

Just a note to say a huge thank you for taking care of Olli and for sparing me a long and agonising wait, it was very much appreciated.