
Panacur is the trade name for Fenbendazole. Panacur is made in very many formulations. We keep the powder form and oral paste – which is in easy dose syringes. It is not a complete wormer being only 60% effective for Dipylidium Caninum – one of the major canine tape worms but it is useful for young stock, and it treats a quite common parasite of young puppies which causes mucous diarrhoea called Giardia. There are few ill-effects.

Our veterinarians are all experienced general practitioners with a broad knowledge and
understanding of animal health, illness and injury.

Kerry, Dave, Kelcie and Big “Woofs” From Gemma

To all the Team

A” huge thank you”

To you all for the care and support you have given us and Gemma.

It is very much appreciated

Ellen and Beau And Kevin and Jenny and Daniel.

Dear Aaron

I thank you from the bottom of my heart for saving my cat Beau.

He is a picture, although I can’t repay you I hope you like this gift.

Marjorie Hunter

Thank you for all you did for my budgie Alfie. The budgie you asked me to rehome is doing well and is very active and has settled in well his name is bobby.