
As our pets live longer and more active lives so the prevalence of arthritis increases. You may note lameness or stiffness after rising from rest and or swelling or pain of the joints.

This is an area of medicine where there have been major strides in recent years. X-rays may be needed to diagnose, and there may be operations which will help certain causes. But even if there is no magic wand in all cases there are a number of modern and very effective drugs which we will be delighted to discuss with you. We also carry the very best in joint supplements to naturally help your pets joint function (e.g Seraquin & C 2 Colloplex)

Our veterinarians are all experienced general practitioners with a broad knowledge and
understanding of animal health, illness and injury.

Anne Sutton

A Note to thank you for all your efforts in trying to save my little cat, and the staff for there kindness when she was put to sleep

With gratitude, God bless

Charlie Beadle

Dear Julia

I came to you big and fat

Yes I was rather chunky

After 20 weeks of diet and chat

I leave here fit and hunky!!

Bennet Zoo

Dear Alan

Just a note to say a huge thank you for taking care of Olli and for sparing me a long and agonising wait, it was very much appreciated.